
05 April, 2008

Cheap Laughs: Fun With Creationists

This is like the duckshoot at a carnival - when you have a bazooka. I don't even have to take aim to hit me some stupid:

Michael Behe, Greatest Expert Witness Evah. Just listen to the judge tell it:

Plaintiffs' own biology expert, Professor Michael Behe testified that "it is personally abusive and pedagogically damaging to de facto require students to subscribe to an idea . . . . Requiring a student to, effectively, consent to an idea violates [her] personal integrity. Such a wrenching violation [may cause] a terrible educational outcome."

Yet, the two Christian biology texts at issue commit this "wrenching violation."

That's right. Behe, in defending his own side, managed to hit it with a tactical nuke instead. One has to wonder: is the man this stupid, or is he an extremely clever scientist working as a mole?

Don't forget to drop by John Pieret's place for a heaping helping of snark, and a terrific illustration of what happened in this case. For more in-depth coverage, see Mike Dunford over at the Questionable Authority.

You know what, this isn't fair. Let me down a few shots of Herradura before I reload.

That really didn't help. Now we've got a mathematician taking the morons apart:

Bad from the Bad Ideas Blog sent me a link to some clips from Ben Stein's new Magnum Opus, "Expelled". I went and took a look. Randomly, I picked one that looked like a clip from the movie rather than a trailer - it's the one titled "Genetic Mutation".

Care to guess how long it took me to find an insane, idiotic error?

4 seconds.

It's the old "evolution can't create information" scam.

Four seconds. Damn. I mean, I would've thought they could go four fucking seconds without lying, but no.

Oh, and speaking of lying...

Received an e-mail this morning notifying me (and five others) that the Tempe screening has been canceled. Interesting thing is that the original mailing I received had a further 15 names on it. In addition, "boughtbythecross," "homeschoolma," and "covenant-dad" were not CCed on the e-mail I received today. Interesting.

Indeed. They're inept enough to send out mass emails wherein the universe can see who's on their mailing list, and then they send out less massive emails announcing to a select few that the show's cancelled. Gee. I wonder why they didn't email everybody?

Well, Ken McKnight called the theater today two or so hours before the
screening. Ken

I just called the Arizona Mills Harkins theater and said that I had heard that the private screening of Expelled had been moved from 7:00 to 6:00 (I didn’t mention that I had been emailed that the showing was canceled). The person I spoke to confirmed that the movie is showing today at 6:00. Clearly the promoters are somehow screening the attendees and then sending out cancellation notices to the "undesirables."

You know, they'd have a lot easier time of cleverly weeding out the dissenting voices if they weren't so fucking stupid. I'm going to die of alcohol poisoning before I can give these fucktards a fair chance.

I think I'm going to go do something more challenging, like catching politicians in a lie.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, they often seem to ascribe their own motives to their opposition. I have a suspicion why this is, and there will be a blog post regarding it in a week or so.

    Thanks for coming! Hope to see you again!


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