
10 April, 2008

Happy Hour Discurso

Today's opining on the public discourse.

File this one under No Shit, Sherlock:

According to one top official, Ashcroft reportedly asked aloud after one meeting [on the specifics of how to torture terror suspects], “Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly.”

No, really, John? If that was the case, and you knew it, then why the fuck did you let it happen? Fucking assclown.

At least this is nice to see:

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Wednesday that she'll use a rare procedural option to block fast-track consideration of the Colombia free-trade agreement, a draconian step that counters President Bush's push to get Congress to vote on the controversial deal this year.

I keep watching these shows of defiance by the House Democrats with a sense of fascination. I keep expecting their newly-developed spines to warp and melt, but they just seem to be straighter. Maybe next they'll grow a pair, eh? Would've been nice if that had happened, oh, you know, two fucking years ago.

I just hope they dig their heels in to such an extent that it reduces Bush to throwing temper tantrums on the White House floor. I'd love to see him pounding his grubby little fists into the flooring, while the Dems threaten to leave him behind if he doesn't start behaving his sad self.

Speaking of Dems with spines, Biden showed a particularly fine one during the Petraeus Pony Show:

Is al Qaeda a greater threat to U.S. interests in Iraq, or in the Afghan-Pakistan border region? In one of the more interesting exchanges of yesterday’s hearings on the Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden asked Ambassador Ryan Crocker that question, got an honest response, and set the Bush administration’s talking points back quite a bit.

Crocker clearly didn’t want to answer the question, and did his level best to avoid it, but Biden wasn’t going to let it go: “You had a choice: Lord almighty came down and sat in the middle of the table there and
said ‘Mr. Ambassador you can eliminate every Al Qaeda source in Afghanistan and Pakistan, or every Al Qaeda personnel in Iraq,’ which would you pick?” Grudgingly, eventually, Crocker conceded he would pick al Qaeda “in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area,” which prompted Biden to respond, “That would be a smart choice.”

Translation: "We done fucked up, and we hate you for making us admit it." Biden's answer: "Good boy, Crocker! You got the right answer - have a gold star." Carpetbagger has the video. Priceless.

And, for our final happy hour drink, we have a fitting companion for Monique Davis (with a special Sarcasm chaser from Ed Brayton):

School board member Kaye McGarry says she'll ask her colleagues to approve excused absences for Charlotte-Mecklenburg students who stay home on the April 25 "National Day of Silence," held to protest harassment of homosexuals.

Well sure. Not only can good God Fearing Folk not be exposed to those Evil Gay People, they can't even be exposed to those who think that Evil Gay People are human beings with equal rights. Why, if our children are forced to be aware of the existence of people who actually think gays are people just like them, they'll be so overcome with confusion that they'll run out and fellate the first person they see. Or something.

Would that be before or after they've been exposed to that dangerous atheist philosophy and become godless antichrists? Monique? Kaye? Bueller?

And if you think that's a howler, you ain't seen nuttin yet. Go on. Go look. Just don't have anything in your mouth when you do.

Sometimes, only sometimes, I wish I had a god to save me from people like this. Grr. Mas tequila, por favor.

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