
15 April, 2008

Monique Davis: Crusader for... Atheists...?

Via Decrepit Old Fool (who has fast become one of my favorite bloggers), I came across a pure gem of a post from Half-Hearted Fanatic. He's got a strange-but-true take on the whole Monique Davis drama:

However, Davis may just be the kind of crackpot that atheism needs.

This is a life lesson I learned two years ago: Ranting lunatics can be a blessing.

Funny, but I was thinking the same thing. I've seen more than one person pull themselves up short when they realize the company they're keeping. It's like a bucket of icewater down the old collar.

Half-Hearted Fanatic does a perfect job showing this. Go read. Find out for yourselves how skate parks, stubborn old ladies, and Monique Davis all relate.

And remember that this extends beyond Davis. I get the same sense from Bush's spectacular fuck-up as president. I think that once this long slog of a nightmare is over, a lot of people are going to wake up and take a quick shuffle toward the left. Not many folks want to be too close to the rabid monkey.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the good words about my post. I'm based in AZ, so have the occasional opportunity to see Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. Judging from your photo, you already have the fan uniform.


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