
07 April, 2008

The Pony Strategy and Other Apt Observations

I'm feeling whimsical today. It could have something to do with nearly squirting my Mountain Dew through my nose several times.

First up, we have the Pony Strategy, courtesy of Publius at Obsidian Wings:

The Bush/Kagan strategy is simply to keep the maximum number of troops in Iraq as long as possible in the hopes a pony will appear. To maintain political support for the Pony Strategy, they need to peddle worse-case scenarios and paint pictures of genocide and all-out civil war.

Despite how this look, it's actually a fantastic post exploring a moral minefield, and I recommend you peruse it. Possibly even ponder it. Yes. Ponder the pony....

It reminded me unavoidably of an old Sprint commercial, wherein the punchline was "I want a ranch. With horsies." We can now paraphrase this from Bush's perspective: "I want Iraq. With ponies."

Meanwhile, dday over at Digby's Hullaballoo has one of the greatest take-downs of Cokie Roberts I've ever had the pleasure to witness:

She doesn't have a clue what the hell she's talking about, and if she's being informed about Iraq by "Sunni, Shi'a, po-tay-to po-tah-to" McCain and his man-servant Huckleberry Graham it'd be a wonder if she could pick the country out on a map. We have an important week coming up with A Man Called Petraeus and Ryan Crocker testifying before Congress, and if this is the sober analysis we can expect out of that, we're all doomed.

The sad part is, Cokie probably can't pick Iraq out on a map. I'm not sure of her actual age and I'm feeling too lazy to look it up, but her mental age is certainly right there with those clueless youths the National Geographic-Roper survey, well, surveyed. At least the young have the excuse of inexperience.

I feel my IQ going down every time I hear these mainstream media morons quoted, and I don't even watch the damn shows.

We endeth the hilarity with the most bestest Photoshop of Ben Stein ever, courtesy of John Pieret. I'm not going to reproduce it here. You've just gots to click.

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