
15 June, 2008


NP pointed out this evening that I've reached post 300. I've been so busy it almost escaped my notice. That would have been tragic, because I would've missed my chance to pay tribute to one of the best graphic novels and best films of all time.

I wouldn't have had an excuse to paste enormous pictures of nearly naked men with dead-sexy abs all over my blog.

But that's just a gimmick. Obvious. Of course I'd post something about 300 on my 300th post. Stands to reason, dunnit?

But I can't rest an entire post on geeky hormone-driven paens to comic books and comic book films, no matter how good. This blog isn't about that. It's about politics, religion, science, and stuff. And don't forget the stuff. What to do, what to do...

Paul from Cafe Philos comes to the rescue with a post that incorporates a little bit o' everything. He caught a politial gaffe I missed! It has politics (McCain), religion (beer), science (beer), and stuff (beer controversy!).

Seriously. It's even on CNN:

John McCain issued a promise Tuesday that may cause a bit of unrest with a broad swath of voters:

He'll veto every single beer?

In a slip of the tongue while railing against excessive earmarks at the National Small Business Summit in Washington, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee inadvertently pledged to veto the popular alcoholic beverage.

We can't let this one pass, my darlings. If George W. Bush was voted into office on the stength of being the kind of guy you could picture yourself having a beer with, what do you think it'll do for McCain's chances if blue-collar voters find out that the man's not only an addlepated fuckwit, but a sworn enemy of beer? This could be our moment. This could decide the very future of America. We must spread the word:
"McCain vows to veto beer!"
It doesn't matter if he simply misspoke. The Republicons beat Dems bloody with their every slip o' the tongue - we shall pay them the same courtesy. Every beer-drinking Average Joe, every homebrewer, every frat boy and down-to-earth girl, needs to hear what their choices are in this election: beer-hating old coot, or beer-loving American. We shall spread the truthiness of this gaffe from sea to shining sea.

Paul has created a graphic we can use to create signs, shirts, steins, and buttons:

No. He will not. He shall not. He is the clear choice for this November. Remember what those 300 brave Spartans would have given their lives for:

Honor the 300. Fight against this beer-vetoing madman! Elect Obama, and let the beer flow like amber waves of grain!


  1. As an avid home brewer (zymurgist for the smarty pants among us) I would have to call for international condemnation of the US if BEER! was ever vetoed. Time as a POW has obviously twisted his mind ;-)

  2. Congratulations on your 300th post!

  3. Congrats on your 300th!

    Sadly, I think Paul may have devised the perfect political poster/button/slogan.

  4. Congratulations on your 300th post! :)

    It's scary to realize some people are probably going to vote based on that gaff.

  5. 300, One of the best films of all time? I think you need to spend less time blogging and more time down the cinema!


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