
16 June, 2008

Happy Hour Discurso

Today's opining on the public discourse.

I have just one thing to say about this: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

A new World Public Opinion poll of 20 nations finds that just 2 percent say that they have “a lot” or “some” confidence that President Bush will do “the right thing regarding world affairs.” Bush ranks below Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, but just edges out Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf...

That's incredible. The president of Iran is more trusted than our own Fearless Leader. As sad as that is, it actually makes me feel kind of good - at least I know it's not just my liberal imagination telling me what a gawdawful fucktard Monkey Boy George is.

In more LOL news, it looks like progress is finally being made on the combating rampant corruption front:

Remember the U.S. Attorney purge scandal? The travesty in which the White House and the Justice Department politicized federal law enforcement? It was, for my money, among the biggest Bush-related domestic scandals of the last eight years (top three, at least). It is not, however, quite over yet.

Justice Department lawyers have filed a grand-jury referral stemming from the 2006 U.S. attorneys scandal, according to people familiar with the probe, a move indicating that the yearlong investigation may be entering a new phase.

The grand-jury referral, the first time the probe has moved beyond the investigative phase, relates to allegations of political meddling in the Justice Department’s civil-rights division, these people say. Specifically, it focuses on possible perjury by Bradley Schlozman, who served a year as interim U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Mo.

Mr. Schlozman left the Justice Department last year after he was challenged over his hiring of conservative lawyers at the civil-rights division and his decision later as U.S. attorney to bring voter-fraud charges against members of a left-leaning voter-registration group days before the 2006 election.

Schlozman, an inept character who’s almost amusing in his clumsiness, has a very serious problem on his hands, which will not only lead to the likely criminal prosecution of a former top official in Bush’s Justice Department, but once again bring into focus how the Bush administration operated.

It’s easy to get confused over which comically corrupt Bushie is which, so let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane. It’s a funny story, actually….

When it comes to the politicization of the Justice Department, Schlozman was actually at the heart of two scandals. The first was Schlozman’s decision as the former U.S. Attorney for Kansas City, to bring highly dubious indictments against a left-leaning voter-registration group shortly before the ‘06 midterm elections.

The other deals with Schlozman’s responsibilities as the deputy head of the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department. He assured the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath, that his employment decisions were entirely above-board, and not at all based on political considerations.

If senators were able to peak below his witness table, they might have noticed that his pants were on fire.

I'm delighted. It seems as though the last several months of Bush's term will be filled with interesting revelations of just how far his poison spread. I was afraid these things wouldn't come to light until he was out of office, when he'd be just enough out of the public eye for the public to shrug it off. Let the fucker try to keep his approval rating above 20% with this kind of fuckery coming to light.

Of course, Bush'll probably just say that those exposing corruption are "slandering America," which is apparently what anyone who criticizes his torture policies is doing:

During an interview with President Bush on Britain’s Sky News yesterday, Sky political editor Adam Boulton noted that while Bush talks “a lot about freedom,” there are many who say that some of the Bush administration’s torture and detention policies represent “the complete opposite of freedom.” But Bush quickly snapped back, saying those criticizing his policies are slandering America:

BOULTON: There are those who would say look, lets take Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib, and rendition and all those things and to them that is the complete opposite of freedom.

BUSH: Of course, if you want to slander America.

Think Progress has a nice list of the people who've slandered America by these standards, starting with the Supreme Court. Those traitors!

I'd just like to point out to Georgie Boy that the people who're really slandering America are the ones who say it's just fine to torture people, hold them indefinitely without charge, and attack every country in sight without even dubiously adequate provocation. People, like, you know, George W. Bush.

I hope this fucker gets his ass handed to him on the way out the White House doors. Even that's giving him more than he deserves.

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