
19 July, 2008

Completely Gratuitous Fun at McCain's Expense

Phil Plait has some good news from the astrology community:

But a really dumb article from ABC news says that astrologers predict Obama will win in November. Why?

In May, seven astrologers at the United Astrology Conference in Denver predicted that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. would win the White House in November, citing Saturn’s opposition to Uranus on Election Day as a celestial occurrence that pits a stodgy planet against one of rebellion, resulting in transformation and social upheaval.

So McCain is Uranus? Interesting. Make your own jokes (but keep them to yourself, please, and not in the comments) but I find it funny that they equate McCain to a bloated methane-filled planet that’s tipped way over on one side, making it spin weirdly.

I'm adding this to the list of all-time best McCain insults. Nicely done, Phil!

You may all feel free to add your own in the comments. This blog doesn't have to be kept family-friendly, as you might have noticed.

In other McCain bashing fun, my stepmother wanted me to share her new nickname for Cindy McCain: "Botox Barbie." While the description is apt, I don't think that in any way makes McCain Ken.

All of the above, of course, does nothing to further our nation's political discourse. But when you have a man as pathetic as McCain in the running for Leader of the Free World, with a trophy wife who's patent fakeness brings to mind artificial things beginning with the letter B, well, the impulse to insult just becomes overwhelming at times, dunnit?


  1. "In other McCain bashing fun, my stepmother wanted me to share her new nickname for Cindy McCain: "Botox Barbie." While the description is apt, I don't think that in any way makes McCain Ken."

    I don't know, I think McCain is a perfect Ken, both have nothing between their ears, both can only do what their puppet masters say they can and both have absolutely no penis

  2. Clearly, it is a grim future for Barbie. Having to deal with repeated botox treatments, and being married to Republi-Ken.


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