
14 August, 2008

If Happy Hour Doesn't Appear as Scheduled...

...blame the incredible corporate idiots who deployed a new filter to the company computers. Apparently, even our breakroom computers are meant for "business purposes" now, despite the large signs proclaiming "Work Free Zone." I'm afraid the one computer I found that allows me to access sites like Blogger and Think Progress is going to have succumbed by tomorrow afternoon.

I may have to chat up the union. Could be fun to sic them on the corporate empty heads.


  1. Sometimes working for a company who can barely spell IT has its advantages... Just about the only thing I might actually want to get to at work which is blocked is webmail (which is no more than a slight irritation as they don't pay any attention to how much personal mail we send/receive)

  2. Before you chat up the union, try the IT folks. They just might be willing to fight that battle for you, or "fixing" the break-room computer might be on their list of things to do shortly. After a couple of decades in industry (albeit in a professional job) I concluded that a friendly approach to an IT person could trigger absolute miracles. They are demigods.

    (Oh, and I've observed that they respond REALLY well to homemade chocolate-chip cookies, though I've never tried bribery myself. A well-reasoned, friendly request, with an apology for bothering an obviously busy person, was all I ever needed to trigger the miracle-workiing. And no, I'm not pretty, sexy, or otherwise blessed with any advantage other than a friendly disposition.)


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