
30 September, 2008

Bill Donahue Strikes Again

Is it possible for the Catholic League's Bill "Frothing Insane" Donahue to sound even more ridiculous than he did during the Great Cracker Controversy?

Oh, my, yes:

The Catholic League's Bill Donohue comes to Sarah Palin's defense now that the video of her being blessed by Thomas Muthee has been making its way into the mainstream media, accusing the "chattering class" of ridiculing Palin's faith and demanding that they respect Muthee's apparent belief in witchcraft:

“Witchcraft is a sad reality in many parts of Africa, resulting in scores of deaths in Kenya over the past two decades. Bishop Muthee’s blessing, then, was simply a reflection of his cultural understanding of evil. While others are not obliged to accept his interpretation, all can be expected to respect it. More than that—Muthee should be hailed for asking God to shield Palin from harmful forces, however they may be manifested. And for this he is mocked and Palin ridiculed?

“We know that many cultural elites have a hard time embracing religion, but is it too much to ask that they at least show some manners when discussing subjects which most Americans hold dear?”

Now, Bill. I know you're off your meds, but let's try to face a little reality, here. Firstly, witchcraft isn't a "sad reality." Superstitious buggers believing in witchcraft and murdering people over that inane belief is. There's an important difference, which I'm sure you're not quite equipped to appreciate there.

Secondly, no, all can't "be expected to respect" some frothing fundie's superstitious claptrap. You yourself don't respect others' beliefs. You took off after poor Pastor Hagee for his sincerely-held belief that the Catholic church is the Great Whore.

That's not even to bring up your incredible anti-gay, anti-secular Jew, and anti-anyone-who-doesn't-think-exactly-like-Bill-Donahue bias.

"Gay death style?" "I'm pretty good at picking out queers"? Your language, Mister, is positively outrageous. Your little tantrums are increasingly tiresome. Is it too much to ask that you at least show some manners when letting your bigotry hang out in public?


  1. "And for this he is mocked and Palin ridiculed?"


    [deep breath]


    Tganks for that.

  2. It's incredible that anyone takes this guy seriously. We live in some incredible times, don't we?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "I'm pretty good at picking out queers."

    Well, well, see boys and girls, that is a little thing called GAYDAR!! I have it and apparently Bill has it too! So whatcha hiding there Bill?

    Sister please, just come out already! Don't hate - appreciate!!

  5. "While others are not obliged to accept his interpretation, all can be expected to respect it."

    Did he just invoke cultural relativism? Did he REALLY? He's not even invoking it in his own defense even though he seems to think he's defending Christians:

    "We know that many cultural elites have a hard time embracing religion, but is it too much to ask that they at least show some manners when discussing subjects which most Americans hold dear?"

    "Americans" as he defines them don't hold African traditions dear. I'd be surprised if they even knew what they were (beyond them evidently having witches who can kill you).

  6. Also, "Gay Death Style" sounds like some kind of homosexual martial art.


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