
15 September, 2008

Chin Trout Palin Welcomes You to Spackle Camshaft Palin

This is entirely too much fun.

dana hunter, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Chin Trout Palin

Heh. Lessee... what about the cantina?

en tequila es verdad, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Spackle Camshaft Palin
I could be here all night. What else, what else... I know! The cat!

Misha, sweetie: how would you feel if Mommy renamed you Duct Idaho?

Not too happy about that. Okay. How's about Clamp Noodle?

Well. If that's the kind of reaction Sarah Palin elicits from cats, no wonder she fears them.

Just remember, Sarah, they hate you more than you hate them.

So, my darlings. It's your turn for some fun. What name would you have got saddled with?

(Tip o' the shot glass to Engine Nighthawk Palin over at - how odd - Spackle Camshaft as well. Whoops. Methinks I broked it...)

Update: No, I couldn't leave it alone. And you'll be glad I didn't:

cantina, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Loin Falcon Palin

Excuse me while I go herniate myself laughing....


  1. Mine would be:

    Chalk Revelations Palin

    I think 'Chalk Revelations' would be a good name for a blog, or maybe a really nerdy band.

  2. Mine is:

    Fork Hugh Palin

    I didn't use generator to get that, but I'm pretty sure that if I were Sarah Palin's child, I'd be saying it all the time.

  3. Hank, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

    Still Hardrock Palin what about my cat?

    Khofu Seti Amun-Ra, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

    Puck Mule Palin

    Of course if either of us erupted from her accursed womb we wouldn't be here since we would still be waiting for the pop. What pop? Why it's the sound we would hear when we finally pulled our heads out of our arses!!

  4. Cujo359, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

    Wrangler Tractor Palin

    The fates truly have been kind ...


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