
23 October, 2008

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Indiana. Fucking Indiana. Seriously:

This election is going to be a landslide for Obama. There is a huge tidal wave coming. A stunning new poll today from Indiana shows: Obama ahead in Indiana by 10 points.
Yes, you read it correctly. It is not a typo: +10 Obama in Indiana! A totally republican state where the democrats have not won for decades.

Bloody fucking Indiana, where I once spent a two-week vacation bawling half my family out for their blatant racism. Blood Republicon fucking red Indiana. +10 for Obama.

Hot damn, Hoosiers! Go, you! Woot!


  1. Woah! You know, I'd been a bit worried because I've been watching, and they showed Indiana somehow switching from 60% Obama to 65% McCain almost overnight. This... this is a little more encouraging.

    I still think it's going to be close in Indiana, but at this rate our little state looks more and more like going blue. Excellent. :D

  2. You know, it's funny. I've noticed a couple different states have switched allegiance over the last couple weeks from McCain to Obama, but none vice versa. I think that says something...

  3. This poll looks to be an outlier. There have been seven other polls in the last three weeks. None have Obama over fifty percent, and all but two have him behind.

    Right now, Indiana looks like a close loss. Given another couple of weeks, though ...

  4. *dances*

    Hopefully this keeps up. I'm excited.


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