
20 October, 2008

A Tentative Return

Dear Readers. Kaden here, Dana's quiet co-blogger.

It seems that I was being a bit bold when I mentioned in my new blog, (Modern Magic Enterprises development blog) that I'm co-authoring, that I have been, as I said, outgrown by our glorious host Dana Hunter, and that I had resigned as co-blogger. I received the following in my inbox:

Secondly, what the fuck is this shit about resigning? What's this "She's outgrown me" schlock? Don't you know that once you join the cantina staff, THERE IS NO GOING BACK?!

My, my, how I have truly missed her. Even in jest, Dana has always had the odd talent of inspiring me, sometimes with kind words, and other times with brute force.

So I revise my statement. I said I had resigned merely because I thought that I had been, not quite forgotten, but merely overshadowed. My few illegible posts had quickly gotten buried beneath Dana's radiant onslaught of insightful posts. So a different approach. Instead of shying away from the volume of Hunter I see around here, I guess I'll just have to do better to keep up with her. If only she could see the wry, snarky grin on my face.

Of course, I'll never be able to keep up with the sheer number of posts that goes up here, but I should be able to contribute with fair regularity. I'll be posting in MMDev as daily as I can, so I can carve out a small chunk of time for here, too.

However, this is all tentative at best. I am extraordinarily busy, with two part time jobs, four college classes, two blogs to write, a science fiction novel that is whining for attention, a weekly gaming session with the gang, and a girlfriend who, with patience that would shame a saint, has somehow managed to stick with me, despite only having, at best, one day in a week to share. All this for a nineteen year old is a bit overwhelming, but I am starting to adjust. I'm figuring out how to use my time best, arranging certain tasks together to make the most efficient use of resources. So I have a time every night set aside for some kind of writing, either blogs or novel, depending on what needs to be done. So En Tequila now gets a fair slice of that time.

Well, I've certainly kept up my uncanny talent for talking on and on and saying very little. In short: I will make my best effort to appear here as often as possible. I will most likely to showcasing one of two features. One, the return of Academia, College Edition. And two, a new series I'm calling Press Start to Play, a series on video games as an industry, as well as reviews, comments on trends in gaming, and some throwbacks to games of old.

PSTP will be cross-posted on here and MMDev. However, any posts relating directly to the development of Modern Magic's upcoming games will not be cross-posted, but will be contained to the development blog. When I post here, for those interested I will give any updates on the dev blog.

Thanks for sticking with me, readers. It was not just Dana's persuasion, but it was you readers, your comments, and the assurance that at least a small portion of the superfluous paragraphs that I transcribe here are appreciated by some, and provide at least some measure of amusement.

So, I raise my non-alcoholic drink in a toast, to bright times and future posts. Thank you, readers!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you know that once you join the cantina staff, THERE IS NO GOING BACK?!

    El Tequila Es Verdad, it's Spanish for "Hotel California".


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