
06 December, 2008

I Get to Go Watch Things Blow Up

There is life after NaNo.

Before I immerse myself once again in the world o' writing, I'm taking some deserved time off. I've jumped offline for a good portion of today to read Terry Pratchett's Making Money. This was written in 2007, but so far it seems like an up-to-the-minute analysis of our very own financial crisis. That is why Terry Pratchett is made of awesome.

Well, he's hysterically funny, too. There's that.

Tomorrow, I'll be spending my afternoon watching the newish James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. Happy Hour, therefore, will probably be late.

This is all merely an interlude. Since I managed to pull off a full book in one month whilst keeping on top of the blog and the day job, I have no excuse for not writing. Well, aside from the fact that when my roommate's around, my Muse vacates the premises- they don't like each other much. It's a good thing the roomie's a flight attendant, or I'd never see my Muse again. Let's rephrase and say there's no good excuse. That being so, I plan to enjoy this weekend to the hilt, because after that the free time ends.

My brain is already weeping...

On a different note, for those of you who like recipes, I whipped together a little something you might enjoy that's super-simple to boot:

1-2 pork sirloin chops, thinly sliced
1 package frozen stir-fry veggies
several cloves garlic, chopped
1 cup white wine
dash o' olive oil

Get the veggies simmering in a frying pan with about half the wine and the dash o' olive oil. After they've mostly thawed, add the pork and the rest of the wine. Stir in the garlic after the pork's mostly cooked. Enjoy over rice. It's soooo yummy, and it takes about half an hour to make. If you want teriyaki instead, you can just swirl some teriyaki sauce in. How awesome is that?

I've just made myself hungry again....

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