
31 December, 2008

Pardon Me - Your Logical Fallacy is Flapping in the Wind

I don't usually filch from PZ because I figure most of you have already been over to Pharyngula, but this little gem of a logical fallacy needs to be set like a solitaire. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rep. Mark Souder:
I personally believe that there is no issue more important to our society than intelligent design. I believe that if there wasn't a purpose in designing you — regardless of who you view the designer as being — then, from my perspective, you can't be fallen from that design. If you can't be fallen from that design, there's no point to evangelism.
You know what? He's absolutely right. Spot-on. I agree with his last two sentences without reservation.

Never mind that it's a big ol' logical fallacy (looks like the ol' appeal to consequences to me). Let's just take him at his word: if there's no design, you can't be fallen from that design, ergo evangelism has no point.

Hmm. Evolution has rather put paid to the whole design idea....

Huzzah! Fundamentalist religion is dead. No point in evangelism anymore - let's drink to it's demise!

I love it when someone's own logical fallacy works to our advantage. What a perfect way to start the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. I dont' know who could have "designed" that statement any better. Can we declare "Waterloo!" now?

    PS - the word verification provided for this comment was "prograce". Hmmm...


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