
24 December, 2008

A Second Front

While the dog and his minions cast aspersions on our science while channeling their energies into weapons systems we'd discarded long ago, we discover that a second front has opened:

We suffered losses in a sneak attack from Greater Mausistan, but are happy to report that the situation is being handled:

Good intelligence wins wars. We will soon bring Greater Mausistan to its knees. Our kung fu is better than their kung fu - as the dogs will soon discover:

As the old song says, "Those cats were fast as lightning." Oh, but we are!


  1. Beware of the traitor Mousetongue! He is but a paw of Slobburmaw the White, who now openly colludes with the Dog Lord!

  2. Ahem, that link doesn't work. More psy war, perhaps, this time on your readers?

  3. Dana- you and Cujo entertain me to no end.

    Happy Holidays


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