
27 April, 2009

Words and Music

When Simon & Garfunkel songs get lodged in my head, they're usually songs like "The Sound of Silence" or "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," possibly "Mrs. Robinson" or "The Boxer." They're one of the bands my dad and I used to listen to together. Stuff like this makes you realize the ol' dad is kinda cool after all. And excellent musical taste, when you ignore the country music.

"Richard Cory" is one of his favorites. It was one of my first hints that he actually liked poetry. It doesn't get lodged in my brain nearly often enough:

Inspired by NP.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love when popular culture (music, television, movies) use classic literature to draw upon.

    They are berry berry sneaky.

    Thanks for sharing!


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