
27 June, 2009

Sun, Sorta Surf, and Sacked Cats

I spent the vast majority of my day at Discovery Park. It's ginormous. Put it like this - the Loop Trail is 2.8 miles, and they're not factoring in the extra mile or two you'll tramp if you scramble down to be a beach bum. 'Tis one o' my favorite places in the universe.

Here's the view from the top o' South Bluff:

That's the Sound at low tide. Pretty, innit?

And here's the view from the bottom o' South Bluff:

South Bluff is one of the most interesting geological features I've ever gotten to touch. It's layering looks a little like Jupiter. And it's big. It's sorta sand caught on its way to becoming rock. Fun to esplore.

Then you tramp down the beach, and you'll come to the lighthouse:

I saw a baby seal near that lighthouse once. Today, no seal, but there was a crab:

Am I weird for thinking crabs are cute?

Someone built a little beach bungalow out of driftwood, where they could watch the breaking waves. Not that our waves are huge, but they still break:

There's a lot more to Discovery, but we had to come home and let the cat out of the bag:

I just wish I'd caught her playing with the receipt she found in the bag. My cat is strange.

1 comment:

  1. Waaaaay cool geology! Looks like a really nice place to hang out.


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