
19 August, 2009

Cons and Town Halls = Comedy Gold

This has the potential for over-the-top hilarity:
Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) has announced that he “will hold a health care town hall at Brookside Funeral Home on Saturday, Aug. 22 at 10 a.m.” The awkward venue selection would seem to suggest that Poe may be interested in furthering the right-wing’s falsedeath panels” talking point.
Just when we wondered if they could get any more ridiculous, Poe has to set the bar stratospherically high, eh? If any of you are in the area, don't miss the opportunity to point and laugh.

And if one of your local Cons declines an invitation from a Dem:

Dem Rep. Timothy Walz wrote a letter to GOP Rep. John Kline, inviting him to a joint town hall to “restore civility to the great American tradition of town hall meetings.” Kline’s the ranking Republican on a the education and labor committee, which is key to reform — so the meeting could have been a national media event.


“Because it is critical for me to hear from the men and women I represent, I will be focusing my time and attention over this district work period on hearing from my constituents and will be unable to attend your meeting,” Kline wrote.

...check their calendar:

The kicker: Dems point out that Kline, as of now, has no scheduled town hall events in his own district, either.

Because they lie. All the time.

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit.

    "Brookside Funeral Home is located at 3410 FM 1960, Houston."

    I live probably within a mile of there.


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