
03 September, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Health Care Reform Stupidity

How stupid is Michael Steele? So fucking stupid I don't know if we have instruments capable of measuring his abundance. Observe how he wins friends and disses the bereaved:

Yesterday at Howard University, Steele encountered his own “genuinely concerned” citizen — 23-year-old college grad/activist Amanda Duzak. Duzak stood up and interrupted Steele, arguing that “everyone in this country should have access to good health care” and cited the case of her own mother who died of cancer six months ago because she couldn’t afford her prescription chemotherapy medications. The audience applauded her.

Steele responded by chastising Duzak and accusing her of pulling antics to get on TV. “So people go out to town halls, they go to the community, and they’re like this. (SHAKES ARMS) It makes for great TV. You’ll probably make it tonight. Enjoy it.”
The phalanx of white Cons shielding him from the icky black students, of course, loved it.

You may wonder if that's the lowest these shites can go. The answer is, probably not. After all, it takes a real bunch of shitheels to shout down a woman in a wheelchair. And decide that shouting is an appropriate response to a request of ten seconds of silence for a dead man. Just imagine how the assholes would've reacted if a full minute had been requested.

And what have the douchebags gained? Not a whole hell of a lot. The Blue Dogs of August are of nearly precisely the same opinion on health care reform as the Blue Dogs of July - in fact, there's even one who supports the public option (Hellloooo, Rep. Leonard Boswell! There's a free drink at this cantina with your name on it.) Cons are pretending to hate reform more, but we all know that's kabuki.

It's not like we can take the fuckwits seriously - not when we've got Rep. Phil Gingrey telling Obama he should vow to veto any bill that resembles health care reform:
On MSNBC today, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) argued that if President Obama wanted to find a “bipartisan” health care solution, he should vow to veto any reform legislation that contains a public option or a co-op. “Let’s don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” said Gingrey. “Let’s remove the public option, and also anything that smacks of a public option, like a co-op."
I will not ask if it's possible for Cons to get any more ridiculous, because I know they always find a way.

It seems we've heard a lot of this "perfect the enemy of the good" crap. Let's remember the other enemies of the good: "the Bad, the Corrupt, the Inept, the Incompetent, the Ineffective, and the Evil. If we're not going to get the Perfect on health care reform, let's make sure the Good is the alternative we get."

Absoposilutely. I do believe that's precisely why the AFL-CIO's said "this far, no further."

Skittish Dems, watching poll numbers slide, think they should be headed right-of-center, but they might want to consider that vocal supporters of the public option are the ones winning elections right now. If they can't read that writing, a lot of voters are going to plump for the other bunch of illiterate fucks in the next election just for a change of stupidity. Myself, I believe we should plump for primaries instead. It's amazing what a clarifying effect that can have.

Speaking of clarifying effects, I do believe the White House needs to take another look at last year's election results. Then they need to ask themselves an important question: why the fuck is a Republican writing the fucking bill? As I recall, the Cons lost. Do we think, maybe just a little, that poll numbers might be sliding due south because, y'know, voters are a little upset that the White House is acting like the Cons won?

And, for the creme de la stupidity, note that states with the greatest need for health care reform are the one most vocally opposed. Listen, you morons, you're acting like children throwing a tantrum over medicine because you don't like the taste. Would you rather die than take your meds?

If so, I'm sure an insurance company can arrange it.


  1. "perfect is the enemy of the good" -- oh yeah, Mike tried that on me -- while one of the main anti-reform memes is the idea that Obama's plan is flawed, so we have to oppose it.

    They don't care about whether the argument makes sense, or is consistent, or is totally evil; it just has to get people pulling in the "right" direction at the right time. They may use the same facts to argue for the exact opposite six weeks later, and not have the first clue why this is a problem.

    He saw five fingers, and there was no deformity.

  2. The Blue Dogs of August are of nearly precisely the same opinion on health care reform as the Blue Dogs of July - in fact, there's even one who supports the public option (Hellloooo, Rep. Leonard Boswell! There's a free drink at this cantina with your name on it.)
    I spent an evening with another Blue Dog, Zach Space (18th District of Ohio) two weeks ago, and he assured us that he supports a public option and that he's confident it will be in the final bill.


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