
19 November, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Health Care Reform Stupidity

Well, my darlings, the CBO score is back on the Senate bill, and the news is good:
The health care bill--which includes an opt-out public option--will require $849 billion over 10 years in new spending, to be paid for with cuts to Medicare, while reducing the deficit by $127 billion.

In that time it will extend coverage to 31 million Americans--94 percent of citizens will be covered by 2019.

Over the second 10 years, CBO projects even greater cost savings--up to $650 billion, with the caveat that after 10 years, their analyses become highly uncertain.
Suck on that, Conservadems.

So, that means we can have a fucking vote at last, right?  Mebbe not - Max Baucus's family emergency may delay things.  This is how insane things have gotten in the Senate. 

In stupid-opponents-of-reform news, yet another corporate front group has been revealed, up to the usual dirty tricks.  These things are like bacteria on a chicken salad sandwich that's been left on the counter for two days, aren't they?

A Chamber of Commerce lobbyist is saying that if their little sham study comes back with positive results, it should be buried as deep as they can bury it.  Smell that integrity, my darlings!

AFP project Patients First probably should've realized that naming their mascot turkey "Butterball" wouldn't please Butterball, LLC.

In much less amusing news, it turns out that Stupak's Stupidity would have some pretty radical implications - a new study shows that it would eliminate all coverage for abortions, including employer-provided and separately-purchased coverage. Rep. DeGette's happy to explain this to the idiot Dems who didn't realize what they were voting for.

Speaking of women's health, the new mammogram recommendations are not as horrific as the media wants you to believe.

And, finally, while it doesn't have much to do with actual reform, this is a shining example of businesses' care and concern for their employees' well-being.

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