
08 May, 2010

John Pieret, Poet and Champion

Raise your glasses high and toast our own John Pieret, who won The Coffee-Stained Writer's National Poetry Month competition.  And he deserved to - "Winding Sheet" is a beautiful, haunting poem.

Twasn't an easy decision for my heart sister, I'm sure - he was up against quite a few talented poets, including our own Chris Rhetts

To extraordinary wordsmiths and the power of poetry, let us raise our glasses and shout, "Salud!"


  1. As I said over there, I'm stunned.

    It just goes to show that everyone has one good poem in them.

  2. This is the second piece of yours that's left me breathless. If I had a quarter of your gift with words, I'd count myself talented. As it is, all I can do is bow to a master wordsmith, and echo Neil Gaiman: I wish I could have written this, but I'm even more pleased I got to read it.


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