
14 May, 2010

Playing Hooky in Kirkland

So no, I didn't read the political blogs today.  Instead, I got up at the buttcrack o' dawn in order to drop off the car for brake work, and wandered about Kirkland instead.  Oh, and got me hair hacked off - you'll see examples of that eventually.  Gracias to my intrepid companion for coming up to chauffeur.

Kirkland's one of my favorite cities, and if you follow me after the jump, you'll see why.

This is the view from near my mechanic's shop.  Alas, they didn't photograph all that well, but if you enlarge and look at the ridge line, you'll see the Olympics rising in the distance, just under those clouds, there.

Then we have the view from Marina Park.  You can see just about everything from Marina Park - Lake Washington, bits of the Cascades, and both the Seattle and Bellevue skylines.  For instance:

There's Seattle, off to the left, there. And some handy rocks for sitting upon.

The boat dock has some excellent views, too, as well as interesting posts.

Pretty things are blooming.  'Tis spring, thee knows.

The picture's a little crooked because I had to hold the camera above my head to get this shot, but I likes it.  This is from near the parking area, looking out over the park.

And just a few blocks up, you can get to Waverly Beach Park, where on clear days you get a wonderful view of Mount Rainier, peeking over the shoulder of the ridge.  Believe me when I say it's much more impressive in real life (or with a real camera instead of this ancient beastie o' mine).

Boaters were out on the lake, and I like this shot, with the trail of spray.  If you look closely at the horizon, you'll see a shadowy intimation of the Olympics, too.

And now, we shall sail into the sunset, because I'm bloody tired.  Also went to Half-Price Books, and you know what that means.  Yup.  I'm gonna need more bookshelves soon...

Happy Friday, my darlings!


  1. I absolutely adore the boat dock photo! May I download it for my desktop background, pretty please?

  2. You may have any photos you like! Let me know which dock photo you wanted, and I'll send you a high-res copy!

  3. The one with the corner of the dock and post. I love it!


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