
19 July, 2010

Now Would Be a Good Time to Tell Me How Awesome You Are

(Postdated in hopes all shall participate. Speak up! I beg you! Love and hugs to all who already have. New content below.)

There was a meme running around ScienceBlogs for a while there, asking lurkers to de-lurk, stand up and be counted.  You know what, why not?  The most important part of blogging is you, my darlings, and at least just this once, step into the spotlight and take a bow!  I promise you can run back to the shadows afterward, if the shadows are your preference.

Tell me who are you (although you can choose to remain anonymous, pseudonymous, or any -mous of your choice).

How did you get here?

Why are you here?

What do you want from me?  Which is actually a pretty serious question, although you can be snarky if you like.

Any of you wanting to engage in shameless self-promotion, by all means do!  This is your time to shine.

Right, then, my darlings, it's over to you.


  1. Well, I'm here because I love reading your blog!

    Where else can I get the perfect blend of pollytics, science (that I didn't know was interesting until I saw awesome geology pics here), with a sprinkling of fiction for flavor?

    And while I would always enjoy a tad more "what are you writing?" posts, I'm pretty happy with what you have!

    Keep up the great blogging, heart sister!

  2. There isn't much I can say about myself which I haven't already said in comments over the last year or so. I read your stuff because you have a sometimes subtle, sometimes conspicuous energy which always leaves me feeling a little more positive about life, generally.

    Also, I miss COTEB.

  3. I'm here because I love your blog! I love seeing you take the smack-o-matic to those in need, and I really enjoy watching your blossoming interest in geology. And now, with the new camera, so many pictures! Reading the blog never fails to make my day.

  4. Yes, I miss COTEB, too. Too bad the last guy to do it took so long you'd have to use a wayback machine to call it on time.

    Love the science articles and the pictures, BTW.

    Shameless self-promotion? I got nuthin'.

  5. i'm here reading you cause i like what you have to say. and i learn from your posts (always a good thing)

    hope you are feeling better

  6. ZOMG you guys. *blush*

    Right. So. Have mopped myself off the floor, and shall address myself to some important bits. Firstly, dearest heart sister, there shall be more "what are you writing?" posts when the summer siesta's over. I promise!

    Motion carried on missing COTEB, but it was getting nearly impossible to round up submissions and captains toward the end, which made it easy to neglect once the intensive-writing session took over my life. If anyone wants to take over as Admiral, I shan't complain. And if we can drum up some support, perhaps ye olde shippe can come out of dry dock, eh? I'd like that.

    I'm glad there's a consensus on the science and pics so far. Those have been the most enjoyable aspects. Wielding the Smack-o-Matic gets old when one's always whacking the same old bottoms. Good to mix it up a bit, and good to know that mix is pleasing the patrons.

    I think the most important thing to state here is that I cherish each and every one of you. I think of all of you every day; I often write posts with specific readers in mind, and I hope I'm giving as much as I get. Nicole, Chris, Karen, Cujo (and, indeed, many of you who haven't yet delurked for this post, but whom I've heard from on the blog or IRL) - you're one of the most important aspects of my life. The Little Hell Beast edges you out, but only just, and only because she'd chew my arm off if I didn't show her the proper deference and affection. I never want any of you to doubt how much you mean to me.

    So, here's to you, and here's to life. I hope we all get to share a round around the same table someday!

    As for the rest of you who haven't yet delurked - DELURK, DAMN IT! I know you're out there....

  7. There you are, Suzanne my dear! How did I know someone would show up in the midst of my babbling? LOL! I love having you here, adore your blog, and yes, am feeling better, thanks to the Kleenex you sent my way! ;-)

  8. Oh, are we allowed/supposed to de-lurk even if we're constantly butting in and spouting off? Righto.

    1. Via Pharyngula, I think... it seems so long ago now.

    2. Intelligent, empathetic snark! (Also, I can actually get a word in edgewise in the comments.)

    3. Um, I don't know? "Keep on being you" -- but I hate it when people tell me that...

    4. I think I've probably exceeded the authority of my Shameless Self-Promotion License in comments on other posts (and sometimes in the posts themselves... IT WASN'T MY FAULT!)

    Okay, done for now...

  9. I'm Steve C. I don't remember how I came across En Tequila es Verdad, but I added it to my RSS feed reader and keep reading it. I like the political smackdowns and the amateur geology stuff.

    As for the shameless self-promotion, well, I have sporadically updated a blogful of atheistic rantings with occasional sprinklings of posts about my amateur art, cyclekart build, trips, amusing videos I come across, computer programming, my video games, or whatever other crap flows from my fingertips.

  10. I found your blog many months ago and enjoy what you do. While not a cat sort of person, the rest of your efforts are appreciated.

    I am guessing that I am more than twice you age, I like the political scene, Epica and the amateur pursuit of geology.

    So, keep doing what you enjoy except maybe the cigarettes. Sorry if that offends but two of my close friends left this orb early because of them.

    Gary from Kansas

  11. i'm IT person in Detroit. I started reading your blog about a year ago. i don't recall how i found out about it tho. you have been in my reader from then on, i love the politics.

    (back to lurking)


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