
19 August, 2010

Fortune Favors Those Who Haul Their Asses Up a Mountain at Six in the Morning

I'm still recovering from the trip, still playing catch-up, and had to work Wednesday, which means eight hours of chaos.  Haven't had time to sift through the 1000+ photos to find you the really good bits, and you know the geology's gonna be a while.  That's okay.  We have a long winter ahead.

In the meantime, I'll throw out another teaser.  This one's from Tuesday morning, when I got up insanely early and ducked out on my still-sleeping intrepid companion.  I drove up Hurricane Ridge Road to photograph all the strata I hadn't had time to catch the day before.  I wasn't expecting wildlife, and figured if I did see some, it would be at an inconvenient moment with no handy turn-outs.

How wrong I was:

Yes, that is a doe and her fawn, hanging out in plain view, right where I could park the car and photograph them. 

I can tell you that this trip was totally worth the sleep deprivation.  I can also tell you that I have done my part to ensure the birds on top of Hurricane Hill end up fat and happy.  No, I didn't feed them - directly.  But, thanks to the fact we forgot the bug repellent in the car, and did not realize this glaring omission until we were over a mile away from it, I did feed quite a few mosquitoes, who in turn will end up in some bird's belly.  This being-at-one-with-nature stuff is an itchy proposition, especially when you're unable to swat nature away because you're photographing other bits of it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go apply more anti-itch creme and try to get a bit more sleep.


  1. Several years ago, my husband and I visited the Pacific Northwest, and made a brief journey to Mt. Rainier. We found a little lake and had a picnic lunch on the shore. As we were getting ready to leave, a doe came up to us as if to ask, "where's MY lunch?" We ended up disappointing her.

  2. This past Wednesday the hypertwin and I were biking on the American Tobacco Trail about 5 miles south of I-40 when we encountered a young deer grazing on the slope. It startled just a bit and looked like it was thinking of fleeing. In a flash of inspiration, I kept talking calmly as I passed it -- and it resumed grazing, about 5 feet from us, as we rode by.


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