
25 December, 2010


Merry Kittehmas!  Or Cephalopodmas or Squidmas - really, you can choose any animal you like!

Gifts May Be Late - Kitteh's Got Dem
This was the scene as I tried to wrap and pack my parents' Christmas gifts.  She's sleeping on the shot glasses.  How that can be comfortable, I don't know and don't necessarily want to ask.

Eventually wrestled them away.  But I've had to leave the green tissue, which she decided the instant I removed it from the box was the most awesome Christmas gift my mother's ever sent her.

I Got Paper!  Ana Box!
She is, at this moment, sleeping on the green tissue once again.  Eventually, my living room is going to be filled with tissue, boxes, and other odd bits of packing material that my feline has decided make her life worth living.

So this is Kittehmas.  Ai hopes u can haz wunderfull wun!


  1. wee fish ewe a mare y grist moose panda hippo gnu deer, dana

  2. Merry Holidaymas! To you and your furry cohort, and all your friends and relations. :-)

  3. Hope LHB was able to cope with the holiday stress.


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