
05 September, 2011

Los Links 9/2

Another week, another passel o' links. Funny. Somehow, I'd felt that I hadn't done much reading this past week. Apparently I was wrong...


Grist: Global warming will make future hurricanes worse, full stop and U.S. Navy’s wave-power buoy plays chicken with Irene, wins.

The New Yorker: Vermont Floods: A Bad Day for Baal.

ThinkProgress: Eric Cantor Won’t Support Any Hurricane Disaster Funding Without Massive Cuts To First Responders.

Mike the Mad Biologist: GOP Response to Hurricane Irene: Take More Hostages.

Guardian: Hurricane Irene or Britain adopting misogynistic attitudes: I know which I find scarier.

Kate Messner: After Irene: A small-town Adirondack library needs your help.

Slobber and Spittle: Call it a PSA and Are You Afraid Yet? 

Virginia Earthquake

Mountain Beltway: Damage to the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Washington Post: Five myths about earthquakes.


Glacial Till: One Year Blogiversray of Glacial Till and Meteorite Monday: Shergottites.

The Dynamic Earth: Backup Amazon (in case the other one breaks?).

Scientific American: Diamond World Discovered By Astronomers.

Professor Astronomy: A diamond planet? I dunno..

Dinosaur Tracking: An Ode to Archaeopteryx.

Not Exactly Rocket Science: The lost plague – London graveyards suggest that Black Death strain may be extinct and Bacteria: resisting antibiotics since at least 30,000 BC.

ABQJournal: Study: American Indians May Be More Affected by Climate Change.

Research Digest: The woman misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's, and how we can all be affected by the suggestion that we have psychological problems.

National Groundwater Association: Protect Your Groundwater Day.

DC's Improbable Science: A thoroughly dangerous charity: YesToLife promotes nonsense cancer treatments.

Gary Schwitzer's HealthNewsReview Blog: NBC urges women >40 to ask about CRP test - something not supported by evidence.

Georneys: Geology Word of the Week: M is for Migmatite.

Highly Allochthonous: Scenic Saturday: Ropy pahoehoe on a biogenic beach.

NASA Earth Observatory: Why I love Geologists.

Science Sushi: Observations: Tuna and Mythbusting 101: Sharks will cure cancer.

Grist: Fox News viewers ‘confused’ by Bill Nye, science in general.

Scientific American: Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Perspective Is Everything, Details Alone Are Nothing.

Superbug: Borders are Irrelevant: Polio Returns to China and Antibiotic Prescribing to Kids — Down, But Still Too Much.

Scientific American: The Bearable Closeness of Being: Why Cities Create Community.

The Scicurious Brain: Muscle fatigue may be all in your head.

The Dynamic Earth: Drilling for the Everglades?

Forbes: Can Our Pruney Fingers Help Us Build Better Rain Treads?

Myrmecos: A mural on moth wings.

Cosmic Variance: Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Time.

Gizmodo: First Quantum Computer Simulator Operates at the Speed of Light.

Bad Astronomy: No, a new study does not show cosmic-rays are connected to global warming.

Andrew Alden: Higher Profile for Geoforensics.

Think Progress: Scientist: “The Murdoch Media Empire Has Cost Humanity Perhaps One or Two Decades in Battle Against Climate Change.”

Respectful Insolence: The ultimate homeopathic remedy.


My Own Brand of Madness: Going Indie - Is it worth it?

The Book Designer: Independent Publishing: That’s Evolution!

Confessions of a Science Librarian: On the evilness of the emerging ebook app ecosystem.

The Writing Bomb: Letter to the Beginning Indie Author.

The Passive Voice: Ebook Formatting Red Flags, Writers who oppose agency pricing aren’t acting in their own self-interest, and How to Misunderstand a Contract.

Compound Eye: Creative Commons Is Not Public Domain.

Barry Hutchinson: Meeting Neil Gaiman.

Melissa Walker: Cover Stories: Wintering Well.

Almost Diamonds: The Love of Problematic Literature.

Nieman Journalism Lab: Amazon’s new @author feature launches, and changes (just a bit) what a book is all about.

Patricia C. Wrede: Telling details vs. clutter.

The Book Designer: 5 Great Fonts for Book Covers.

Nathan Bransford: On the Internet There Is No Such Thing as a Brand. There Is Only You.

Atheism and Religion

Alternet: Are Michele Bachmann's Views About 'Christian Submission' Even More Extreme Than She's Letting On?

Why Evolution is True: An atheist who almost believes in God.

Almost Diamonds: The Accommodationism Challenges.

Open Parachute: Martydom of the priveliged.

mlkshk: Norse Crisis flowchart (source link at bottom).

Pharyngula: As an American Atheist, I am disgusted by the 9/11 coloring book.

The Spirited Atheist: College too late, too little for secular studies in America.

Life on the Hill: I'm Coming Out.

Women's Issues

Guardian: It isn't girls who need to watch their words.

Alternet: How I Escaped the "Biblical Family Values" Nightmare That Drives Perry, Bachmann, and Tea Party Politics.

Skepchick: Too Pretty To Do Homework.

XX Factor: Some Good News for Pro-Choicers.

Guardian: Rick Perry's demeaning abortion doctrine.

The Smart Set: Old Boys Club.

Laurie Hale Anderson: District that tried to ban SPEAK accused of covering up rapes.

Rethinking Vision Forum: Why I Wish I Went to College.


A Leaf Warbler's Gleanings: Science and Democracy in the Arab Spring and American Fall.

Paul Krugman: Republicans Against Science.

Mother Jones: The Right, Anti-bacterials, and the "Nanny State".

Margaret and Helen: Who has the better bouffant?

Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting.

Butterflies and Wheels: The history of dissident thought.

Culture of Science: On The Privilege To Serve This Country.

Scientific American: Can Politicians be Trusted with Science?


GigaOm: It’s official: Google wants to own your online identity.

Lauren Weinstein's Blog: Real Names, Guilt, Self-Censorship, and the Identity War.

Guardian: Google Plus forces us to discuss identity.

Society and Culture

Loudoun Times: Potomac Falls woman removed from son’s Boy Scout troop.

Almost Diamonds: Male Rape Victims: Let's Talk About the Men.

Millard Fillmore's Bathtub: Quote of the moment: Diane Ravitch, history won’t be kind to those who attacked teachers.

On Liberty: "Racial Profiling First Hand".

BBC: After the sludge: Rebuilding Hungary's towns.

Salon: Confessions of a bad teacher.

NeuroTribes: Dear United Airlines: I Want My Kindle, and My Dignity, Back.

New York Times: How to Fix Our Math Education.

Teddy Partridge: Jury Unable to Reach Verdict in Gay Student’s Killing — UPDATE: Mistrial.

CNN: West Virginia learns Finland's 'most honorable profession': Teacher.

On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess: Unclench Your Butthole Before You Talk About Bias.

Hudson Valley Geologist: Good quote on education.

The New Civil Rights Movement: Student Of Anti-Gay Florida Teacher Jerry Buell Speaks Out - Exclusive!

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