Lots of amazing stuff this week, my darlings. You'll notice quite a few things highlighted in bold, and I do hope you read all those, but don't stop there! There's so much win in this week's selections that I could've bolded nearly all of them.
The New Civil Rights Movement: DADT: Gay 88-Year Old WWII Vet Speaks On Repeal Of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
New York Times: Marines Hit the Ground Running in Seeking Recruits at Gay Center.
AP: Navy officer, partner wed in Vt. as ban ends.
Troy Davis
White Coat Underground: Emergency ethics post.
Observations: Eyes (and Minds) Deceive: Witness Unreliability Casts Doubt on Death Penalty Rulings.
Slate: A Killer Issue.
Bad Astronomy: The night the lights went out in Georgia.
Geotripper: The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia...and Texas Too.
Oregon Live: Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition celebrates 40 years as coastal watchdog.
Lifehacker: Forget the Standing Desk; You Just Need to Move Regularly.
Discovery News: Dinosaur Feathers Found in Amber: Photos.
National Geographic: The Beautiful Teenage Brain.
Mountain Beltway: Giant City State Park, Illinois.
Clastic Detritus: Listening to Rivers.
Bad Astronomy: Invaders from Vesta! and The Milky Way from the top of the world.
Not Exactly Rocket Science: Computer gamers solve problem in AIDS research that puzzled scientists for years.
Uncovered Earth: Sometimes You Just Can’t Reach the Top.
Science Cheerleader: “I was skeptical about the Science Cheerleaders.”
Earthly Musings: My 10-Day Rafting Trip Through Grand Canyon - 2011.
NYT Scientist at Work: Northern Lights on the Midnight Watch.
Atomic-O-Licious: An Open Letter of Apology to my Organic Chemistry Students.
Scientific American: Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Don’t Tangle Two Lines of Thought and Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Breadth of knowledge is essential.
Wired Science: Q&A: The Unappreciated Benefits of Dyslexia.
Bad Archaeology: I remember why I’ve never wanted satellite television.
Oscillator: Allergy Recapitulates Phylogeny.
The Guardian: Another view on the new Feist album Metals.
Not Necessarily Geology: Pillow Basalt, Bencorragh.
Rapid Uplift: Geological Framework Of the Sikkim Earthquake.
Glacial Till: Meteorite Monday: So you think you’ve found a meteorite.
Science-Based Medicine: Scientific American Mind Is Not So Scientific.
Southern Fried Science: In sexual selection and thermoregulation, bigger is better, at least for fiddler crabs.
Boundary Vision: Students don’t lose their ability to think scientifically.
JPL: Aquarius Yields NASA's First Global Map of Ocean Salinity.
A Blog Around the Clock: The Mighty Ant-Lion.
Speakeasy Science: Dr. Oz and the Arsenic Thing.
Grist: Oceans kept the last decade from being even hotter.
Dinosaur Tracking: Cretaceous Utah’s New, Switchblade-Clawed Predator.
The Scientist: Plant RNAs Found in Mammals.
Degrees of Freedom: Archimedes and Euclid? Like String Theory versus Freshman Calculus.
Surprising Science: Biologist Rob Dunn: Why I Like Science.
Scientific American: Urban Geology: Artists Investigate Where Cities and Natural Cycles Intersect.
Scientific American: It’s Not That Easy Being Green, but Many Would Like to Be.
The Scicurious Brain: One injection makes you older…
Volcan01010: Farmyard Geomorphology.
Respectful Insolence: Reiki: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you can get what you need.
Highly Allochthonous: Scenic Saturday: Pinnacle in the Piedmont.
Observations: Hackers Use Open Hardware to Solve Environmental Problems.
Evergreen Public Schools: Evergreen Public Schools Names new school Henrietta lacks Health and BioScience High School.
Terra Sigillata: Kitchen Chemistry: Rose Jelly. Sweet!
History of Geology: Large Igneous Provinces and Mass Extinctions.
Geotripper: You Betcha, it's Breccia: Some Otherworldly Pictures.
The Creative Penn: Trunk Novels Are An Endangered Species.
The Buttry Diary: ‘He said, she said’ stories fail to seek the truth and report it.
Terrible Minds: Writers Hear that All-Too-Familiar Refrain: 'Get a Real Job'.
Mitali's Fire Escape: How To Write Fiction Without The "Right" Ethnic Credentials.
Write to Publish: Branding #3...product vs. author brand.
Take As Directed: Trine Tsouderos on This Week in Virology: When do you fact-check article content with sources?
Password Incorrect: Ebook Specific Cover Design: #2 – Size and Resolution.
Digital Book World: Best Practices For Amazon Ebook Sales.
Atheism and Religion
This Week in Christian Nationalism: A New Ending for an Old Spam Email.
Think Atheist: My Testimony (my journey to atheism).
Unscientific Malaysia: Why atheists must not be silent.
I Heart Chaos: Christian fourth grade textbook, tries to explain electricity but just gives up.
Why Evolution is True: The ugly, vicious, fanatical side of atheism.
BBC: Al-Shabab radio gives weapons prize to Somali children.
Butterflies and Wheels: Don’t think, just live.
ABC Religion and Ethics: Is the Australian Christian Lobby dominionist?
Shouts & Murmurs: God’s Blog.
Women's Issues
Another Feminist Blog: Boundaries.
Firedoglake: Sluts Are Asking the Right Question about Rape.
Almost Diamonds: “Consent Is Hard” and MRA Says, “Yep, We’re Domestic Abusers”.
Strange Ink: Let's talk about sex.
Man Boobz: Violence against women? Blame it on feminism, says W. F. Price.
Downlo: A Useful Rape Analogy.
BBC: 'My cousin wanted me for a passport'.
Madison Magazine: Why Doesn't She Just Leave?
Butterflies and Wheels: We wanted to do a bruised-up Barbie shoot.
The F Word: On Tom Martin's campaign to sue LSE.
MSN CA: Is this the most annoying thing a man can do to a woman?
Biodork: Fighting Kindness with Kindness.
Camels with Hammers: Be Careful About Loving Women Too Much Lest Other Guys Think You’re Gay.
Spocko's Brain: No Brains. No Heart. The Tea Party/CNN debate.
Firedoglake: Woman Who Watched Her Brother Die From Lack of Insurance Delivers Powerful Rebuttal to GOP.
Balloon Juice: The Modern Inquisition, Starring David Brooks in the Role of Phlogiston Man.
Think Progress: Texas GOP Rep On Cuts To Family Planning: ‘Of Course This Is A War On Birth Control’.
Decrepit Old Fool: “You get what you pay for” – third in a series of things we used to say.
MoveOn.org: The Elizabeth Warren Quote Every American Needs To See.
White Coat Underground: Death cult.
Salon: A real Wall Street takeover threat.
Duluth News Tribune: Sam Cook: Big, bad government sure helped during fire.
War is a Crime: Welcome to Boston, Mr. Rumsfeld. You Are Under Arrest.
Dispatches From the Culture Wars: On the Internet, Everyone is a Criminal.
Society and Culture
The Telegraph: Animal rights group PETA to launch pornography website.
Gawker: The Wall Street Journal Wonders: Should We Let Blacks Marry Whites?
Dangerous Minds: Another heartbreaking gay teen suicide.
New York Times: Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World.
Charlotte Observer: Same-sex marriage ballot skips words.
Pam's House Blend: Will the Catholic Church declare war on Obama over gay equality?
On Top Magazine: North Carolina's James Forrester Tells Lesbian Mom To Move To New York.
Have a Heart of Fire, Have a Heart of Gold: On understanding.
Almost Diamonds: Pseudonymous Service.
And, finally, two of the sweetest compliments I've ever had:
Watershed Hydrogeology Blog: About the best compliment I could get (or, why blogging is worthwhile).
Clastic Detritus: What Rocks: The Week’s Best In the Geoblogosphere.
May be on topic or not:
ReplyDeleteSaturday morning, I got up late and sat fiddling with my thesis and drinking my coffee before tackling a shower. Doorbell rang, and Husband answered it. I heard little snippets of conversation that suggested he was chatting with a proselytizing Christian. Drink more coffee, read email, hear "But evolution isn't true!" from the other person, and at that Husband went out, picked up the newspaper, came in and closed the door.
I wanted to run out and say "you liar, take your nonsense away!" But I was still wearing my nightgown.