
30 November, 2008

Comic Book Secrets Revealed! Terrible News!

OMG, they're killing Batman! However will I cope?

Apparently, in the comic books, Batman is...


Bruce Wayne — who by night is Batman — gets murdered by a man claiming to be the father he thought was dead.

In a highly controversial new comic book storyline, Bruce, who first appeared in 1939, is killed by Simon Hurt — the leader of the shady Black Glove organization.

Now, my first response to this was, "Oh, for fuck's sake. It's been DONE."

The Stranger, my wonderful hometown newspaper, expressed my sentiments much better:

Oh my God. This is terrible. How could they kill Batman. Oh my God. There has never been anything like this in comic book history. They've raped my childhood. I must buy multiple copies of that issue because it is sure to be a collector's item. Etc. Etc.

Nailed it.

I love comics, and I usually love the DC universe, but for fuck's sake, this is beyond lame. It just screams desperate execs trying to figure out a way to get gullible fans to freak out and buy more issues. The problem is, I don't think there's enough gullible fans left after that "Death of Superman" debacle. Seemed like everybody jumped on the "kill a major character" bandwagon after that, and it's lost its novelty. Yet here they are, trying to make a tired old idea seem fresh and new, trying to hit people with a trainload of emotion rather than engaging them with truly creative and useful ideas...



I know where this is coming from. They've been talking to Andrew Breitbart, haven't they?

1 comment:

  1. I don't even read these comics, and I seem to remember them killing off Batman once before. Seems like they killed Superman off, too.

    OT, Dana, but check your e-mail.


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