
21 March, 2011

Reader Appreciation Day

It's time to take a moment out of the week's blogging topics and say, "Thank you!"

You, my dear readers, are absolutely brilliant.

I put out a plea for the things that scare you, and you weren't afraid to rise to the challenge.  If I end up with the writing chops to create a truly frightening Big Bad, it will be because you - yes, you - stepped up and delved into your minds and risked nightmares and probably worse to let me know what terrifies you.  Without that, I wouldn't have a clue.  And I wouldn't have the confidence to attempt this.  Incredible.

Then there are all of you who commented on my last, rather lame Oregon Geology post.  You got me the info on benchmarks I'll need for this summer.  You've inspired me to go out and find some benchmarks and make something of them.  And all those kind words!  All I can say in reply is that I'm glad you've enjoyed the series so much, because it's all been for you.  Wouldn't be writing this stuff if you weren't there, you know - what would be the point?  90% of the fun in going out, seeing and doing these things, is in writing them up afterward, hoping I'll have given you a bit o' adventure as well.  I take each and every one of you into the field with me.  I get wonderfully excited, finding things you might like.  So it's a vast relief to know I'm getting the job done.  Thank you for being there.  Thank you for egging me on!

We've got quite a few more adventures coming up.  I've still got bulging folders full of images from other trips waiting for your viewing pleasure.  And this summer, new adventures!  Requests welcome: I'll announce each one, and you can tell me if there's a particular bit you want to see.  You're along for the ride, even if only virtually.

Now, should I ever, say, win the lottery or make bags of money by publishing books people decide to devour, those virtual trips shall become a reality.  You're all invited.  Nothing would please me more than to gather groups of you and get out there and see the world with you.

This world is a better place with all of you in it.  Never doubt that.  You guys rock, and you make me the luckiest woman alive.

1 comment:

  1. I think you would lead FANTASTIC field trips! And I'm speaking as a geology student and the veteran of a great many wonderful field trips.


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