25 November, 2010

Thinking of Thanks and Thankful for Thinking

I'm about to dive head-first into a marathon of Harry Potter movies, after a nice leisurely bath.  I guarantee you, I'm thankful for both of those things.  Some may think I'm crazy for being thankful for Harry Potter, o' course, but that's their loss.  Quidditch rules!

This is a day of giving thanks.  First and foremost, I'm thankful to you, my darlings.  This blog has brought me great friends and readers, forced me to expand my interests and oftentimes question my assumptions, and all of you have had a huge part in that.  You bloggers, you commenters, you outstanding human beings - you give me hope for this crazy ol' world.  So, thank you for being here, being you, and being awesome!

Thanks to science, and scientists, and people curious enough to invent science and keep becoming scientists.  Without science, a great many of us likely wouldn't have been born at all.  Of those who were, a great many would've died young.  Science has given us food, medicine, and incredible technology.  And it's given us a far greater understanding of the world, which makes the world a damned sight more interesting.

Thanks to writers, who suffer for our enjoyment.  Putting words on a page is far more difficult than it sounds.  Thank you for pushing through the pain, creating wonderful new worlds and putting new spins on old words, for having not just the imagination, but the skill and determination, to weave tales that keep us enthralled, entertained, and help us realize things about our universe and our humanity that we never would've thought of otherwise.  Thank you, crafters of both fiction and non-fiction, for the words you've smithed!

Thanks to family, friends, and those occasional strangers who are there to share the adventure.

Thanks to all of those who, in a variety of ways, make life livable.

Just, simply, thanks.

Oh, and pass the platter!

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