We passed Mt. Shasta today. It made a brief appearance from behind its morning clouds:
At the end, you can drop by the dam at Lake Shasta and get yourself a nice view:
We took the cat on a brief hike. I promised you amusing photos of a cat in harness, and amusing photos of a cat in harness you shall have:
We finally managed to extract her from beneath the trees, and she briefly settled in to admire the view:
On the way back, she once again made a break for the trees, which in this case required a little mountain climbing:
We're settled in to an apartment-turned-hotel at the moment, where she's taking over the place. If you're ever in Monterey, CA, the Deer Haven Inn & Suites is an excellent place to stay. Total home-away-from-home, including a full kitchen. And it's pretty cheap for what you get.
That's all I can stay awake for at the moment. Hopefully, we'll once again have internet access tomorrow night, and I can entertain you with further pictures of my cat despising the great outdoors.
Hasta, amigos!
I am so jealous! Shasta is teh Awesome.
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