Blogger-activist Mike Stark has been staking out Capitol Hill recently, trying to get Republican congressmen on the record about whether or not they believe President Obama was born in the United States. Only a couple of GOP congressmen were willing to state without reservation that Obama is the legal and constitutional President of the United States. Many others said they “think there are questions” and would “like to see the documents.” Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) began running away from Stark — literally — to avoid answering the question. Another congressman avoided Stark by hiding in a book store and pretending to look at pens.The fact they're so scared of pissing off the lunatics in their base shows just how far against the wall they've backed themselves, doesn't it just?
And here we have Sen. James "I'll Believe Anything Other Than The Truth" Inhofe going to bat for the Birthers:
But wait! There's more! It's not the raving lunatics' fault they can't understand when their case has been proven bogus beyond all reasonable doubt. Inhofe knows who's really to blame:At least one U.S. senator, however, is sounding a sympathetic note about the Birthers.
Sen. Jim Inhofe has also tried to find the elusive middle ground.
"They have a point," he said of the birthers. "I don't discourage it. ... But I'm going to pursue defeating [Obama] on things that I think are very destructive to America."
That's not "middle ground." That's just ridiculous.
There should be a clear and distinct line between fringe lunatics and the beliefs of U.S. senators. That Inhofe thinks Birthers "have a point" suggests that line is blurring in unhealthy ways.
But he’s now clarifying his claim, and blaming the White House for the persistence of birtherism. Inhofe now says that the birther point he was endorsing was specifically that the White House has not done a good enough job of rebutting the birthers’ charges.
Inhofe spokesman Jared Young sends me this new quote from Inhofe:
“The point that they make is the Constitutional mandate that the U.S. President be a natural born citizen, and the White House has not done a very good job of dispelling the concerns of these citizens. My focus is on issues where I can make a difference to stop the liberal agenda being pushed by President Obama.”
That's right! It's all Obama's fault! It's not enough to produce a birth certificate, have the director of Hawaii's Department of Health confirm Obama was born in Honolulu, have confirm the certificate's authenticity after having "seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate," or discover a birth announcement in a Hawaiian newspaper. Nope. Apparently, he needs an affidavit from God. And then God will have to have some proof He is God, not that icky Allah guy.
Sweet vindication for the Birthers! Until their knight in shining armor shoves both middle fingers up their noses:
Update: Inhofe’s spokesman confirms it: He does not question Obama’s legitimacy as president.Thus came the first inklings of trouble, soon followed by a catastrophe:
This evening, the House passed a resolution sponsored by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) that commemorates Hawaii’s 50th anniversary as a U.S. state by a vote of 378-0. The resolution also contains this provision: “Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii,” a measure that some GOP members may have had trouble supporting. However, many of the Republican representatives who at expressed at least subtle doubt that Obama was not born in the U.S. voted for the resolution. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who had earlier in the day prevented the resolution from coming to a voice vote on the House floor, and Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), who sponsored a bill requiring presidential candidates to prove natural-born citizenship, both voted for the resolution. Rep. John Campbell (R-CA), a co-sponsor of Posey’s bill who expressed doubt about Obama’s citizenship last week on MSNBC, did not vote. [emphasis emphatically added]Oh, noes! It would seem all their attempts to suck Cons in Congress into their madness failed! Even that nutcase Bachmann voted to confirm Obama was born in Hawaii, and there's very few nuts nuttier than her. Washington betrayed the Birthers!
Of course, this will not do jack diddly shit to hammer reality into these people's skulls. Instead, you can expect talk of a vast government conspiracy to begin in 3..2...1...

I love that poster. I had to borrow it.
I love this Birther stuff! I even think libs should get on the net and egg them on.
"Say, a friend of mine told me he heard somewhere that Dr. Whippy McStiff, you know, the doctor who allegedly delivered Obama, was actually only 6 years old at the time. I checked it out on Snopes."
This is exactly the kind of thing which not only exposes much of the right wing base as the whack jobs they really are, but also removes them from the table when the grown ups are debating issues which really mean something.
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