We may indeed be looking at a landslide here. I've got a map for the more geologically inclined, courtesy of glutz78 at Daily Kos:
A thing of beauty, that is.
Thank you, Sen. Obama.
A blog containing tequila and truth, science and skepticism, culture and cynicism, wordsmithing and wonder, and an abundance of alliteration.
I've been imagining a Chris Rock routine where he says; "Look how bad things have to get before we elect a black man. The nation drives off a cliff, and it's falling to the rocks below, and we pull the steering wheel off the column and hand it to Barack Obama and say; 'Here! You drive!'"
True, I don't get enough sleep. Never know what will dribble out of the brain...
Maps with state area rejigged to be proportional to EVs give a somewhat clearer picture (both of 2004 and 2008).
2004: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/
(see second map - and note how the map gives a better picture of how close the race was)
2008: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2008/Pres/Carto/Oct28-c.html
There's a lot of blue there, and the red... well not so much.
I have the two maps sitting together on my screen at the moment and the change is dramatic.
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